Sculpture Space, is an international residency program, providing specialized studio workspace for professional artists whose focus is sculpture. We are dedicated to the belief that art, particularly sculpture, has the power to strengthen understanding of the world. We are committed to providing artists with time and resources to fully explore their creative potential. Sculpture Space seeks to expand public awareness of and support for contemporary art by creating opportunities for artists to share their work with the community through exhibitions, lectures, and educational outreach.

bOARD OF DIrectors & staff

Aimee Tarasek, President

Joseph Giruzzi, Esq., Vice President

Linnea Pettitt CPA, Treasurer

Jill Zamperetti Heintz, Secretary

Mary Hayes Gordon, Immediate Past President

Dr. Jonathan Blancaflor M.D. FACS, Member At Large

Deborah F. Pokinski

Daniel Buckingham

Dr. Robert Edgell

Dewitt Godfrey

Roberta Krueger

Nancy Robinson

Victoria Mele Zacek

John von Bergen (Founder)

Charlie Fisher (Founder)


Tom Montan, Executive Director

George Hendrickson, Studio Manager

Julia Fernandez, Development Officer