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 Miriam Ellen Ewers

Richmond, VA
Residency: September-October 2009

About the Artist:
Miriam Ellen Ewers, received a Bachelors of Fine Art in Printmaking from the Rhode Island School of Design in 2000. After graduation, she was awarded a Fellowship at Kala Art Institute, Berkeley, California for Printmaking. There, Miriam created art, printed professionally for other artists, and taught silk-screening in the Oakland Public Schools.

She also began exploring glass art and other three-dimensional forms, which culminated in her MFA in Sculpture from Virginia Commonwealth University in 2007. One of her pieces was selected for the 2005 New Glass Review (Corning Museum of Glass).

Her works have been shown nationally with ADA Gallery, Richmond, VA, Kim Foster Galley, New York, New York, Monte Vista Gallery, Los Angles, California, and The Washington Project for the ArtsCorcoran Flashpoint Gallery, Washington, DC.

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