Wennie Huang

Brooklyn, NY 
Residency: June – July 2007

At Sculpture Space Wennie Huang completed Red Sprawl, a wall sculpture composed of 4,000 red chenille stems in the image of the box alder that grows outside the Sculpture Space studio. She worked outdoors as well, creating 20 different 24-hour sculptures using wood studs, which she restacked each day into a different configuration. Huang holds a BFA in Painting from Pratt Institute and an MFA in Printmaking from the University of Michigan. Her work has appeared at the Museum of Fine Arts, Florida State University in Tallahassee, FL, the James Gallery, Woodstock, NY, Wave Hill House Gallery, Bronx, NY, the Chicago Cultural Center and in New York City at Studio 12N@ resolution. She has received numerous grants, fellowships and awards, including a public commission in New York City. She lives and works in Brooklyn, NY.